Priority: 1-5 with 1 being the highest priority.
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Complete a historic resources inventory survey to add to the Town Ordinance (Designated Historic Sites, Landmarks, and Structures) for future protection, including those outside the district requiring design review. | 1 | OHPC |
Ensure that new and modernized municipal structures maintain the charm of Ogunquit’s history. | 2 | Planning Board |
Analyze and make recommendations on tightening Historic building restrictions. | 3 | Planning Board |
Preserve and protect the Marginal Way coastline, with its unique geological features and its historic role in Native American life. | 4 | Marginal Way Committee |
Analyze and make recommendations enhancing OHPC authority including the creation of historic preservation districts. | 5 | Select Board |
Amend the Ogunquit Zoning Ordinance to require that all new construction incorporate maps and information provided by the Maine Historic Preservation Commission into the application process. | Planning Board | |
Develop accessible resources for maintaining and communicating Ogunquit’s history including a historical and architectural digital archive. | OHPC | |
Conduct a public ceremony to unveil the National Register of Historic Places plaque for the Marginal Way. | Marginal Way Committee | |
Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Marginal Way in 2025. | Select Board | |
Analyze and make recommendations for incentivizing the preservation of historic homes. | OHPC | |
Analyze and make recommendations on whether the 1930 date for design review should be updated to older than 50 years in the OZO. | CEO | |
Amend OZO to require protection of known prehistoric and historic archeological sites during any construction activities. | Planning Board | |
Work with the Heritage Museum, Wells-Ogunquit Historical Society and the Maine Historic Preservation Commission to assess the need for and, if necessary, develop a plan for a comprehensive community survey of the Town’s archaeological resources. | OHPC | |
Update Municipal Ordinance §97-11 A to reflect additions approved by voters on 04/07/2007 | Town Manager | |
Add a Demolition Delay provision to the OZO, per Maine Historic Preservation Commission recommendation | Planning Board |
Priority: 1-5 with 1 being the highest priority.
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Continue to support and participate in joint efforts to identify and remediate the sources of bacterial pollution in the rivers, streams, estuary, watershed and beaches. | 1 | Conservation Commission |
Make water testing results at beaches, river(s), streams and estuaries readily available to users in real time. Collaborate with DEP Maine Healthy Beaches to improve communication of beach water quality. | 2 | Town Manager |
Continue to assess that current catch basins are helping to decrease pollution, and periodically reexamine their functionality. Develop and follow a designated filter cleaning and replacement schedule in all catch basins to ensure maximum filter efficiency. Determine if additional catch basins need to be installed based on water quality findings along the beach and estuary. Encourage program of signage at storm drains to educate residents about protection of water quality. Work with Wells-Ogunquit School District to continue this program. Continue to upgrade the current GIS stormwater mapping program to identify if the infrastructure needs upgrade. | 3 | Town Manager |
Update the current database of septic systems throughout the Town. Review Ordinance that requires evidence of septic system pump out at prescribed intervals. Determine if a septic system inspection is needed at prescribed intervals and if this should be added to the Ordinance. Determine if enforcement mechanism of septic Ordinances should be put in place. Require landowners to replace any failing septic systems discovered in the watershed. | 4 | CEO |
Establish a longer-term stormwater program for the Town, based on the 2020 census designating parts of the Town as “urban areas” and potentially requiring the Town to comply with a MS4 stormwater program. | 5 | Town Manager |
Educate boat owners about cleaning hulls and propellers to avoid the spread of invasive species. | Harbormaster | |
Adopt or amend local land use Ordinances as applicable to incorporate stormwater runoff performance standards consistent with: Maine Stormwater Management Law and Maine Stormwater regulations (Title 38 M.R.S.A. 420-D and 06-096 CMR 500 and 502). Maine Department of Environmental Protection’s allocations for allowable levels of phosphorus in ponds and watersheds. Maine Pollution Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Program. | Planning Board | |
Support both public and private efforts to acquire and maintain conservation land to protect rivers, streams, estuary, watershed and wildlife habitats. | Town Manager | |
Continue to require and monitor water quality protection practices and standards for construction and maintenance of public and private roads and public properties and require their implementation by contractors, owners and community employees and officials. | CEO | |
Continually inform the community about the Town’s Pesticide and Herbicide Ordinance. Amend the Town’s Pesticide/Herbicide Ordinance to adopt a safe fertilizer Ordinance. | Conservation Commission | |
Increase public education on disposal of pet waste in all areas of Town. Work with Healthy Rivers Ogunquit (HeRO) on this outreach project. Set uniform dates for allowing dogs on the beach and Marginal Way. Ensure that signage reflects the same dates and fines and that these are enforced. | Conservation Commission | |
Continue to work with Ogunquit Sewer District to identify faulty sewer lines, test water quality in the estuary, and rectify any pollution discharges. | Conservation Commission | |
Encourage landowners to protect water quality. Provide local contact information at the municipal office for water quality best management practices from resources such as Natural Resource Conservation Service, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, Soil and Water Conservation District. Maine Forest Service, and/or Small Woodlot Association of Maine. | Conservation Commission | |
Enhance the Town’s existing land use regulations and policies by encouraging and/or requiring the use of low impact development (LID) and green infrastructure approaches for stormwater management for all development and redevelopment projects requiring site review. | Planning Board | |
Require the Ogunquit Sewer District to conduct periodic sewer lateral testing. | Town Manager |
To protect and maintain the Town’s natural environment, habitat and resources including:
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Monitor, protect, and improve the water quality in natural resources areas such as beaches, wetlands, estuary, and wildlife habitats. Develop an action plan to address significant findings. | 1 | Town Manager |
Analyze the health of the beach system (shoreland, dunes, and estuary) which is vital to the town. Report the results of the analysis to the public and develop a plan to ensure the health of the beach system. | 2 | Conservation Commission (ConCom) |
Continue to protect endangered species such as the piping plover. Develop and distribute public information materials. | 3 | ConCom |
Establish a plan to limit/eliminate the spread of invasive plants on Town land and public access ways, then replant those areas with native plants in conjunction with the Marginal Way Committee. Educate and work with landowners to prevent the spread of invasive plants. | 4 | Con Com |
Create a Natural Resources Manager position. | 5 | Town Manager |
Encourage public/private partnerships to protect natural resources with our partner organizations. The Marginal Way Committee and the Marginal Way Preservation Fund are an example of a public/private partnership. | Town Manager | |
Increase annual contributions to the Town’s Conservation Land Acquisition Fund to purchase undeveloped parcels that will remain as green space. Add to the Town budget to be voted on by residents. | Select Board | |
Make information available to those living in or near critical natural resources such as the Shoreland Zones about current tax programs and applicable local, state, or federal regulations. | Town Treasurer | |
Ensure that all Town land use Ordinances are consistent with Town, State, and federal laws regarding critical natural resources. | CEO | |
Designate critical natural resources as Critical Resource Areas as provided in the Future Land Use Plan. | ConCom | |
Continue to monitor subdivisions and developments to identify critical natural resources that may be on site and take appropriate measures to protect those resources, through Town land use ordinances. This may include erosion and sedimentation control, use of native plants, and tree replacement where warranted. | CEO | |
Continue to require the Planning Board to include, as part of the review process, consideration of pertinent Beginning with Habitat (BwH) maps and information regarding critical natural resources through Town ordinances. | Planning Board | |
Participate in regional planning with organizations such as Ogunquit River Watershed Steering Committee, Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Maine DEP Healthy Beaches, SMPDC, Ogunquit Sewer District, and Army Corps of Engineers around shared critical and important natural resources and water quality issues. | Town Manager | |
Develop, distribute, and make available on the Town website a guide/pamphlet describing all of Ogunquit’s natural resources. | ConCom | |
Seek new grants to strengthen and provide resilience to coastline, including the beach, estuary, Marginal Way and Perkins Cove. | Town Manager |
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Limit development along streams/rivers. | 1 | Planning Board |
Analyze and make recommendations for protecting more land in Shoreland zones. | 2 | Conservation Commission |
Limit non-residential development in critical rural areas to natural resource-based businesses and services, nature tourism/outdoor recreation businesses, farmers’ markets, and home occupations. (Revise OZO contract zoning). | 3 | Planning Board |
Amend land use Ordinances to require commercial or subdivision developments in critical rural areas, if applicable, to maintain areas with prime farmland soils as open space to the greatest extent practicable. | 4 | Planning Board |
Analyze and make recommendations regarding cutting trees, including enforcement measures. | 5 | CEO |
Analyze and make recommendations to retain and/or attract more farms. | Sustainability Committee | |
Add language to OZO 225-9.2 requiring the Planning Board to consult with the Maine Forest Service district forester when developing any land use regulations pertaining to forest management practices as required by State statute. | Planning Board | |
Add language to OZO 225-9.19 to permit land use activities that support productive agriculture and forestry operations, such as roadside stands, greenhouses, firewood operations, sawmills, log buying yards, and pick-your-own operations. | Planning Board | |
Include agriculture, commercial forestry operations, and land conservation that supports them in local or regional economic development plans. | Town Manager | |
Consult with Soil and Water Conservation District staff when developing any land use regulations pertaining to agricultural management practices. | CEO | |
Encourage owners of productive farm and forest land to enroll in the current use taxation programs. | Town Assessor | |
Include agriculture, commercial forestry operations, and land conservation that supports them in local or regional economic development plans. | Town Manager |
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Continue to work with the Army Corps of Engineers, Harbormaster, and Harbor Committee to establish the timeline and cost for surveying and dredging of the Josias River at Perkins Cove. | 1 | Town Manager |
Participate and continue to work with the Ogunquit River Watershed Restoration Project to develop plans and interventions to protect coastal water quality. Report recommendations to Select Board. | 2 | Conservation Commission |
Monitor the health of the clam flats and bacteria levels in collaboration with the Department of Marine Resources and Town Shellfish Commission. Make Town and public aware of high bacterial levels and need to close clam flats if necessary. | 3 | Shellfish Commission |
Implement local harbor management plan including replacing the Perkins Cove Bridge (making it ADA compliant) and repairs to the Harbormaster house. | 4 | Town Manager |
Continue to work with the Department of Marine Resources (DMR) and Shellfish Commission, to identify any pollutants in clam flats and invasive species such as green crabs. Develop strategy to eradicate invasive species. | 5 | Shellfish Commission |
Identify needs for additional recreation and commercial marine access (parking, boat launches, docking space etc.). If there are needs identified, conduct a cost analysis to see if the recommendations are viable. | Public Works | |
Develop a communications strategy to encourage owners of marina businesses to participate in clean marina programs. | Harbor Committee | |
Prohibit building future piers along the estuary. Revise and adopt municipal codes accordingly. | Planning Board | |
Evaluate if there is a need to strengthen lobster/fishing/shellfish industries in Ogunquit and make recommendations to accomplish this if necessary. | Shellfish Commission | |
Work with local property owners to protect major points of physical and visual access to coastal waters, especially along public ways. Ensure abutting property owners comply. Develop enforcement mechanisms. | Town Manager | |
Prohibit power boats from landing/mooring on the beach or dunes. | Harbormaster |
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Tighten enforcement of existing ordinances; set fine structure and analyze and report on feasibility of adding enforcement capacity. | 1 | Select Board |
Enact or amend local ordinances to reflect the desired scale, design, intensity, and location of future economic development. | 2 | Planning Board |
Assign responsibility and provide financial support for economic development activities to the proper entities. | 3 | Select Board |
Review Trolley system and consider future options to improve and supplement services. | 4 | Town Manager |
Analyze and make recommendations to encourage more year-round businesses, including services such as CPAs, plumbers, electricians, etc. Work with other municipalities to review need and supply. | 5 | Select Board |
Analyze and make recommendations on the feasibility of building a municipal parking garage. | Town Manager | |
Consider initiating a market analysis of the Town’s tourist industry. | Town Manager | |
Analyze and make recommendations on positive and negative effects of allowing expanded outdoor sales. | Planning Board | |
Analyze and make recommendations on viability of workforce housing in town, including public/private development. | Town Manager | |
Analyze and make recommendations on feasibility of incentivizing additional ride sharing services. | Planning Board | |
Revise OZO to define chain restaurants more strictly. | Planning Board | |
Revise OZO to better define prohibition of chain retail stores. | Planning Board | |
Revise OZO to prohibit chain transient accommodations. | Planning Board | |
Analyze and make recommendations on expanding Type 2 (with outdoor seating) restaurants. | Planning Board | |
Analyze and make recommendations on allowing “Open” flags, especially in the off-season. | Planning Board | |
Analyze and make recommendations on the viability of a local option tax. | Town Manager | |
Participate in any regional economic development planning and purchasing efforts. | Select Board | |
If public investments are to support economic development, identify the mechanisms to be considered to finance them (local tax dollars, creating a tax increment financing district, a Community Development Block Grant or other grants, bonding, impact fees, etc.). | Town Treasurer | |
Work with the Ogunquit Chamber of Commerce to connect local businesses with small business economic development funding from State DECD and other funders. | Town Manager |
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Create an Affordable/Workforce/Senior Housing Committee. | 1 | Select Board |
Modify zoning Ordinance to require 15% of units in new multi-unit residential development over the next 10 years to be affordable. | 2 | Planning Board |
Work with/establish local and/or regional housing coalitions in addressing affordable and workplace housing needs. | 3 | Housing Committee |
Analyze and make recommendations on the feasibility of incentivizing the development of affordable housing, particularly in growth areas. | 4 | Select Board |
Maintain, enact or amend growth area land use regulations to increase density, decrease lot size, setbacks and road widths, or provide incentives such as density bonuses, to encourage the development of affordable/workforce housing. | 5 | Planning Board |
Re-invigorate the Age Friendly Community Committee. | Select Board | |
Analyze and make recommendations on the feasibility of public/private development of affordable, workforce and senior housing. | Housing Committee | |
Analyze and make recommendations on restricting short term rentals to specific zones. | Planning Board | |
Work with the State to install sound barriers along I-95 near residential neighborhoods. | Town Manager | |
Review cable/Wi-Fi providers and evaluate opportunities for future fiber optics. | Town Manager | |
Seek to achieve a level of at least 15% of new residential development built or placed during the next decade be affordable. | Planning Board | |
Designate a location in growth areas where mobile home parks are allowed and where manufactured housing is allowed pursuant to applicable State law. | Planning Board | |
Strongly encourage the use of heat pumps and other green initiatives. | Sustainability Committee | |
Analyze and make recommendations as to the feasibility and desirability of revising Town Ordinances to restrict the size of residential subdivisions. | Planning Board | |
Analyze and make recommendations on the feasibility of assessing impact fees on short term rentals. | Select Board | |
Work with local affordable housing coalitions to attract affordable development in the Town. | Town Manager |
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Analyze and make recommendations on costs/ benefits of adding a Recreation Director to coordinate, enhance and expand activities for residents and visitors to work | 1 | Town Manager |
with local land trust and conservation organizations to further protect open space and recreational land. | ||
Analyze and make recommendations for improving accessibility to the beaches and water for people with disabilities. | 2 | Public Works |
Analyze and make recommendations for repair of fencing along river and for improving Footbridge parking lot, boat ramp and walkway. | 3 | Public Works |
Provide educational materials regarding the benefits and protections for landowners allowing public recreational access on their property. At a minimum this will include information on Maine’s landowner liability law regarding recreational or harvesting use, Title 14, M.R.S.A. §159- A. | 4 | Parks and Rec |
Research and make recommendations on the feasibility of creating an Ogunquit Historical/Marginal Way Walking tour, including self-guided support. | 5 | Marginal Way Committee |
Create a page on the Town website to publicize town recreation activities, with hours, reservations, applications, etc. as well as information on Maine’s landowner liability law regarding recreational and harvesting use. | Information Services | |
Analyze and make recommendations for encouraging more artistic activities. | Parks and Rec | |
Analyze and make recommendations for improving use of Agamenticus Park. | Parks and Rec | |
Create more offseason activities for residents. | Parks and Rec | |
Create local trail maps for publicly accessible walking paths. | Parks and Rec | |
Evaluate improved parking options for kayak/canoe/paddleboard access to Ogunquit River. | Public Works | |
Review the OZO food truck policy as appropriate for specific events with SB approval. | Planning Board | |
Create a list of recreation needs and develop a recreation plan to meet current and future needs. Assign a committee or community official to explore ways of addressing the identified needs and/or implementing the policies and strategies outlined in the plan. | Parks and Rec | |
Evaluate how the Town publicizes events to expand audiences. | OPA | |
Improve methods of collection and tracking of revenues for OPA events. This would include accepting credit cards and determining the makeup of the audience. | OPA | |
Recognize the role played by cultural organizations in Ogunquit and publicize their contributions to the Ogunquit experience. | Parks and Rec |
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Identify traffic conflict points, such as the location of crosswalks which are causing delays on Route 1, and recommend remedial action. | 1 | Town Manager |
Execute feasibility study for satellite parking lots including a shuttle/trolley to take people to and from town. | 2 | Visitor Services |
Increase public transportation including options to bring key workers to and from Ogunquit, shopping areas and link to the Wells transport hub. | 3 | Town Manager |
Identify and remedy potential accident locations including improving visibility where sightlines are poor. | 4 | Public Works |
Add signs on Route 1 to provide information about the availability of parking spaces in beach lots. | 5 | Visitor Services |
Consider a non-motorized transportation plan for Ogunquit, such as the creation of additional sidewalks. | Bicycle-Pedestrian Committee | |
Establish a comprehensive rolling program of road maintenance, including identifying more durable road surface materials. | Public Works | |
Initiate or actively participate in regional and state transportation efforts. | Town Manager | |
Maintain, enact or amend local ordinances as appropriate to address or avoid conflicts with Maine State law. | CEO | |
Maintain, enact or amend ordinance standards for subdivisions and for public and private roads as appropriate to foster transportation-efficient growth patterns and provide for future street and transit connections. | Planning Board | |
Explore options for regional delivery of local services. | Town Treasurer | |
Maintain, enact, or amend local ordinances as appropriate to address or avoid conflicts with: Policy objectives of the Sensible Transportation Policy Act (23 M.R.S.A. §73); State access management regulations pursuant to 23 M.R.S.A. §704; and State traffic permitting regulations for large developments pursuant to 23 M.R.S.A. §704-A. | Town Manager | |
Evaluate options for the use of electric bikes in Ogunquit. | Bicycle-Pedestrian Committee | |
Analyze and make recommendations for remodeling intersections that are not at 90° (e.g. School Street and Rte. 1, Bayview Ave. and Ocean St.) to improve safety for alternate road users. | Public Works | |
Analyze and make recommendations for adding curbs to protect pedestrians without impacting bicyclists. | Public Works | |
Explore options for local transportation services. | Visitor Services |
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Implement the municipal campus project and complete funding. | 1 | Town Manager |
Implement the Plan for replacement and/or repair of the Perkins Cove Bridge, docks, bait wharf and shack, Harbormaster office, and ramp., including sea level rise mitigation. | 2 | Harbormaster |
Review adequacy of facilities (e.g., Fire, Public Works) and possible expansion plan. | 3 | Fire Chief |
Evaluate public safety levels (Police, Fire, Public Works) and equipment needs to maintain service quality and fund necessary improvements. | 4 | Select Board |
Explore grant and other funding opportunities to assist capital investments. | 5 | Town Manager |
Include memorabilia from the Ogunquit Village School and any historic documents in the campus plan. | OHPC | |
Inventory any vacant or unused Town properties and devise and submit a plan for re-use or disposition. | Town Manager | |
Review procedures for replacement or addition of police equipment and reserves for funding. | Police Chief | |
Maintain and improve the maintenance of Town parks, squares, bathrooms, and parking lots. | Public Works Director | |
Investigate the feasibility of creating remote parking lots and implementing a shuttle service. | Town Manager | |
Install additional bicycle racks at town-owned locations. | Public Works Director | |
Evaluate partnering with neighboring communities to share services, reduce costs and improve services. | Town Manager | |
Develop a street tree program. | Public Works Director | |
Improve Wi-Fi in Town facilities. | Information Services | |
Install electric vehicle chargers in Town parking lots. | Visitor Services | |
Transition Public Works use of two-stroke engines to electric equipment (e.g., leaf blowers, mowers) when equipment needs to be replaced. | Public Works | |
Analyze and make recommendations on costs and feasibility of adding solar panels to town structures and parking lots. | Town Manager | |
Develop a 20-year capital improvement plan. | Town Manager | |
Evaluate the Town waste stream and develop ways to reduce it, especially during tourist season. Consider expanding composting. | Transfer Station | |
Analyze and make recommendations on feasibility of adding showers at Town beaches. | Town Manager | |
Analyze and make recommendations on improving internet connections for Town residents. | Information Services | |
Analyze and make recommendations on improving Dunaway Center audio/visual systems for Ogunquit Performing Arts Committee. | Information Services | |
Identify any capital improvements needed to maintain or upgrade public services to accommodate the community’s anticipated growth and changing demographics. | Town Manager | |
Locate new public facilities comprising at least 75% of new municipal growth-related capital investments in designated growth areas. | Select Board | |
Encourage local sewer and water districts to coordinate planned service extensions with the Future Land Use Plan, especially in Shoreland zones. | Town Manager | |
Explore options for regional delivery of local services. | Town Manager | |
Ensure that all public buildings and services are ADA compliant, including digital services. | Town Manager | |
Analyze and make recommendations to use pervious pavement on new paving projects. Require maintenance reporting with enforcement mechanisms to ensure long-term compliance. | CEO | |
Analyze and make recommendations on providing designated parking spots for residents. | Visitor Services | |
Analyze and make recommendations to develop Town beautification standards. | Select Board | |
Identify and make recommendations to use technology to enhance resident and visitor experiences. | Information Services | |
Revisit the use of Big Belly trash compactors at high- trash locations: downtown, Perkins Cove, and beach outlets. | Town Manager | |
Develop Town-wide beautification strategy and assign to appropriate Board. | Town Manager |
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Develop long-term capital improvement plan, identifying all known projects, with costs and timetables. | 1 | Town Manager |
Assess the financial impact of sea level rise and corresponding reduced income from parking lots on taxes. | 2 | Town Treasurer |
Explore opportunities to work with neighboring communities to plan for and finance shared or adjacent capital improvements to increase cost savings and efficiencies. | 3 | Town Treasurer |
Continue to identify public/private funding opportunities. | 4 | Town Treasurer |
Identify opportunities for municipal employees to develop revenue streams, especially for services to tourists. | 5 | Town Manager |
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Change OZO to provide stricter regulations regarding construction storm water runoff, especially prohibit silt fence use. | 1 | Planning Board |
Add enforcement mechanisms to OZO 225-8.14 C. (4) (Wastewater Pollution) for failure to report and remedy. | 2 | CEO |
Reduce allowable impervious surface coverage percentage in all Shoreland zones. | 3 | Planning Board |
Expand Shoreland Zones to include more wetlands. | 4 | Planning Board |
Revise OZO 240-10.5 A. (1) (Storm Drainage Design Standards) to accommodate a 50-to-100-year storm. | 5 | Planning Board |
Update OZO to reflect changes to Single Family Zones, reflecting Tiny Home and ADU provisions. | Planning Board | |
Revise road construction requirements to be more environmentally friendly. | Planning Board | |
Research and propose incentives for conserving open space or wooded coverage on applicable projects. | Planning Board | |
Create Municipal Zone and regulations for town owned properties. | Planning Board | |
Review tightening requirements in OZO 225-3.3.H (Additional Requirements in Shoreland Zones). | Planning Board | |
Define Erosion Control Plan in definitions in OZO and Subdivision ordinance. | Planning Board | |
Add definition of stormwater management to OZO and reference to Subdivision ordinance. | Planning Board | |
Add a stormwater management reporting requirement for construction sites to OZO and Subdivision Ordinance. | CEO | |
Add requirements for pre- and post-construction stormwater runoff inspection to subdivision Ordinance. | CEO | |
Require regular reviews of the impact of growth on Town infrastructure and natural resources. Track new development in the community by type and location. Consider developing impact fee ordinance. | Town Manager | |
Tighten the OZO language regarding formula restaurants to increase enforceability for these uses. | Planning Board | |
Consult Town Attorney to review the Town’s ability to prohibit formula hotel chains and retail stores in OZO. | Planning Board | |
Merge DB and GBD1 zones based on parking requirements. | Planning Board | |
Develop and add Form Based Zoning in areas requiring Design Review. | Planning Board | |
Map Contract Zones for affordable and senior housing in DB, GBD1 and GBD2. | Planning Board | |
Revisit outdoor sales, adding specific allowances and prohibitions to OZO. | Planning Board | |
Require alternative energy and/or minimal energy use on new projects. | Planning Board | |
Expand Dark Sky lighting requirements for all subdivisions, new construction, and structural alterations, both commercial and residential. | Planning Board | |
Potentially establish a single zone for properties, except properties in Shoreland Zones, currently situated in multiple zones. | Planning Board | |
Analyze and report on feasibility and desirability of allowing food trucks at Footbridge and North Beach. | Planning Board | |
Encourage the extension of and connection of sewer lines into all Shoreland Zones. | Town Manager | |
Audit and monitor subdivision restricted land areas for compliance. | CEO | |
Add definition of “impervious surfaces” to OZO. | Planning Board | |
Update Site Plan application checklist in OZO to require State stormwater permits and federal permits where required, and review waiver of stormwater plan. | Planning Board | |
Analyze and report on costs and viability of adding Soils layer to Town GIS map. | CEO | |
Ensure that the capital improvement plan includes costs associated with implementation of strategies. | Town Manager | |
Coordinate with neighboring communities regarding land use designations and regulatory and non- regulatory strategies. | Town Manager | |
Provide that the Code Enforcement Officer is supported and trained and meets State certification requirements. | Town Manager | |
Direct that a minimum of 75% of new municipal capital investment goes into growth areas. | Town Manager | |
Periodically (at least every 5 years) evaluate progress on implementation of the Plan. Set a date in 2029. | Select Board/ Implementation Committee | |
Analyze and make recommendations regarding the OZO’s noise Ordinance, with suggestions for improvements, including equipment noise and early morning/late night disturbances. | Town Manager | |
Ensure that all Town-managed lights meet Dark Sky lighting standards. | Public Works | |
Simplify the process of adding cell boosters in Town. | CEO | |
Assign responsibility for implementing the Future Land Use Plan to the appropriate Board or municipal official. | Select Board | |
Track development that will impact Town resources in the community by type and location. | CEO | |
Evaluate whether Ogunquit can manage a strategic retreat from the coastline if or when sea level rise becomes untenable. | Town Manager | |
Streamline permitting requirements for development in the designated Growth Areas. | Planning Board |
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Continue to work with Maine’s southernmost coastal communities and SMPDC to assess impacts of coastal hazards, including sea level rise and erosion. Develop strategies and nature-based solutions for making the region(s) more resilient to coastal hazards and research grants to fund these solutions. | 1 | Town Manager |
Identify and prioritize Ogunquit’s most vulnerable areas for sea level rise such as: · Ogunquit Beach, Footbridge Beach and North Beach and parking lot, roads leading to the beach, residential and commercial businesses in beach area. · Perkins Cove and waterfront, Perkins Cove Road, Parking lot, commercial and residential buildings. · Rocky coastline, especially in the area along the Marginal Way path which features basaltic dikes, glacial features and sedimentary rocks. · Ogunquit Sewer Treatment Plant. Ogunquit Sewer District has already purchased land outside of the floodplain, relocated electrical equipment and is planning on staging emergency equipment off site. Develop plans/solutions to protect the people, infrastructure and natural resources in vulnerable areas. | 2 | Town Manager |
Analyze the economic impact of sea level rise and climate change on identified vulnerable areas and develop long- range plan(s) to combat negative economic changes to the Town and residents. Identify and secure the type of capital investment needed to safeguard at-risk infrastructure. | 3 | Town Manager |
Develop an evacuation plan for residents and visitors in areas vulnerable to sea level rise. | 4 | Town Manager |
Continue to increase the use of renewable energy resources (such as solar panels on Town structures and in parking lots), make carbon-free decisions and use cost effective materials created from recycled material. Educate and encourage homeowners to do the same. | 5 | Town Manager |
Develop an education plan, in collaboration with residents and businesses, to educate residents and businesses as to what steps the Town is taking to address and plan for climate change and sea level rise. | Sustainability Committee | |
Annually review floodplain management and land use ordinances to protect vulnerable areas, especially set-back areas in shoreland areas. | CEO | |
Continue to research and recommend suggestions to reduce carbon emissions, beach erosion, soil erosion and maintain Best Management Practices (BMP) for stormwater run-off to Select Board. | Sustainability Committee | |
Educate and enforce the Maine Statute that prohibits idling vehicles. | Police Department | |
Encourage the planting of additional trees on Town property and residential property to provide shade and conserve energy. | Conservation Commission | |
Increase fines and tighten enforcement for trespassing on the dunes. | Town Manager |