Maine’s Tree Growth Tax Program, a Statewide property tax program, incentivizes the encumbrance of forested areas with a designation that removes the ability to develop the land, but allows limited harvesting of tress for use in commercial products; in return, owners receive a property tax subsidy. To enter the program, the following criteria must be met:
Zoning Code Section 225-9.21, Timber harvesting outside of Shoreland Zone, states:
Forest management activities outside of the Shoreland Zone shall meet the following standards:
removed and the ground restored to its original contour.
The Ogunquit Zoning Ordinance establishes a Farm (F) zoning district, the purpose statement for which reads as follows: To provide space for farming in the
Town of Ogunquit in locations capable of conveniently servicing the needs of such establishments and preserving open space in rural areas of the community without impacting negatively the established character of the Town or adjoining zoning districts.
For Agricultural uses, the Zoning Ordinance sets forth the following regulations in §225-9.2:
All spreading or disposal of manure shall be accomplished in conformance with the Maine Standards for Manure and Manure Sludge Disposal on Land, published by the University of Maine and Maine Soil and Water Conservation Commission in July 1972.
For Animal Husbandry uses, in §225.9-3:
While there is only one commercial farm and no commercial forestry in Ogunquit, the Town values the open space provided by that farm and the community gardens, as well as the environmental and recreational advantages of the wooded lots.
For Forestry, the Zoning Ordinance, in §225-9.21, states:
Forest management activities outside of the Shoreland Zone shall meet the following standards:
In 2011, the Town created a Conservation Commission, organized under Town Code Chapter 49. Article 49-6 sets out its duties as follows:
privately owned, including, but not limited to, wetlands, meadows, and forests, for the purpose of obtaining information relating to the proper protection, development, or use of those open areas.
Article 49-8, sets the powers of the Commission, which includes among others:
When authorized by the Select Board, manage conservation land or wildlife commons acquired by the Town of Ogunquit for conservation purposes.
Finally, Ogunquit has created a Sustainability Committee, which has focused on preserving the future of the Ogunquit River estuary and has highlighted the importance of our forests in protecting wetlands within the town.
Description | Priority | Responsibility |
Limit development along streams/rivers. | 1 | Planning Board |
Analyze and make recommendations for protecting more land in Shoreland zones. | 2 | Conservation Commission |
Limit non-residential development in critical rural areas to natural resource-based businesses and services, nature tourism/outdoor recreation businesses, farmers’ markets, and home occupations. (Revise OZO contract zoning). | 3 | Planning Board |
Amend land use Ordinances to require commercial or subdivision developments in critical rural areas, if applicable, to maintain areas with prime farmland soils as open space to the greatest extent practicable. | 4 | Planning Board |
Analyze and make recommendations regarding cutting trees, including enforcement measures. | 5 | CEO |
Analyze and make recommendations to retain and/or attract more farms. |
| Sustainability Committee |
Add language to OZO 225-9.2 requiring the Planning Board to consult with the Maine Forest Service district forester when developing any land use regulations pertaining to forest management practices as required by State statute. |
| Planning Board |
Add language to OZO 225-9.19 to permit land use activities that support productive agriculture and forestry operations, such as roadside stands, greenhouses, firewood operations, sawmills, log buying yards, and pick-your-own operations. |
| Planning Board |
Include agriculture, commercial forestry operations, and land conservation that supports them in local or regional economic development plans. |
| Town Manager |
Consult with Soil and Water Conservation District staff when developing any land use regulations pertaining to agricultural management practices. |
| CEO |
Encourage owners of productive farm and forest land to enroll in the current use taxation programs. |
| Town Assessor |
Include agriculture, commercial forestry operations, and land conservation that supports them in local or regional economic development plans. |
| Town Manager |