The 2024 Ogunquit Comprehensive Plan is structured to follow State of Maine consistent plan guidelines. The chapters are arranged in the order of the State comprehensive plan consistency checklist. As you read the Plan, there are several avenues you can take. First, we suggest reading the Vision Statement, which lays out the intent of this Plan, based on feedback from surveys, public hearings, Town Board and department interviews, emails, and the Vision Day held on July 27, 2022. Next, you have several options:
readthe entire document;
readthe chapters that interest you; or
jumpto the Goals, Policies and Strategies (three connected components) to see the priorities for the Town moving forward.
The Public Participation chapter gives details on the actions the Committee has taken to maximize input from Ogunquit’s stakeholders. We have taken every opportunity we could imagine to reach as many people as possible and solicit their ideas and input. Our aim has been to be as responsive as possible to gather our community’s views.
The Inventory chapters provide a current analysis of the state of the Town of Ogunquit in 2024. We have updated the appropriate chapters to take into account events such as the January 2024 storms and floods. The Committee has received excellent feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders on our initial drafts, with corrections and updates, the majority of which were incorporated into the text. SMPDC provided key data, drafted several chapters where statistics were an essential part of the content, and formatted the finished document. These provide a starting point for envisioning Ogunquit’s future.
At the end of each chapter, you will find Goals, Policies and Strategies, which detail the actions recommended by your collective input. Please read these carefully. The Committee has prioritized the Top Five strategies for each topic. Every strategy is important, but we felt that highlighting five per topic will focus attention on key items. Certainly, more than five may be in process at any one time. As a strategy is completed, another from the list will move up. This approach recognizes that priorities will change over time, allowing the Town to best utilize its resources.
The Appendices comprise several key documents which we agreed should be incorporated within the Plan. In contrast, much of the supporting information is embedded as links in each chapter, making the document more manageable in size and easier to navigate. You can access them online to enhance your understanding of the workings of the Ogunquit’s government and the challenges which the Town faces in serving its voters.